Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Creating Memories

Somebody asked me awhile back about videographing weddings, and I did mention that I have two good friends in the business. Mike Wever, one of my long-time best friends, and his wife, Crystal, run a studio in Lincoln, NE and are one of the best in town (and with great rates). Creating Memories Photography is where you want to go, if you happen to be getting married in Lincoln. Trust me, folks.

I've only helped with a couple weddings, but it was fun. I had a lot of people really happy with the results of some of my camera work - a very good thing to hear from you audience, you know?

Has anybody been enojoying Stephan King's N.? An audio-book like comic? That's a freaking awesome idea.

I'm a little late getting this one out, but have you seen this? Arthur C. Clarke, huh? One of the facts of life, getting older and watching all your heros die.

I'm also almost done with Mark Deloy's Life Suspended. I have to fit reading in between reading for DD2, work and family life, but I'm getting there. So far, all I can say is, Wow. It's fast paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I think a lot of people are going to like it (if you're not reading it already). If you'd like to get yourself a copy click here!

Alright, I'm off to bed . . .

1 comment:

Erik said...

N. has been awesome. Can't wait for the collection to hit shelves (or the N. comic for that matter).